Another Foodie Friday submission from The Erratic Cook, a chef in her own mind from right here in Okotoks.

Steel Head Trout or Salmon

Always buy wild caught fish. I will save the lecture, you probably already know and if you don't, just Google the reasons why.

Ok disclaimer out of the way.

You will need:

A nice big fillet of steel head trout or salmon

A lemon for zesting and slicing to squeeze at the table.

Olive oil

Seasoning of your choice (Montreal Steak Spice for Salmon is great)

Chopped onion for flavor (optional)

A stoneware pan – Just a tip for you, if you don't own one or two of these pans, you really have to get some. These are my favorite and most used pans in the house! Love my stoneware!

Pour some oil on the stoneware pan place fish skin side down on top.

Pour a bit more oil on top then sprinkle generously with seasonings and zested lemon peel.

A quick bake of about 15 minutes in the oven at 350 should do it.

Do not overcook. It is really okay if it is still a bit dark pink as long as it flakes apart.

That is it!

This picture shows a platter for two with half of the fish fillet and roasted broccoli (also cooked in the oven on a stoneware pan) and a nice green salad on the side.

So yummy and so healthy. I kept the other half of the fish for next day lunches, it is really good cold with a salad.


Until next time

The Erratic Cook.

This fish is also really good cooked on a well soaked cedar plank on the BBQ.

I'm not ready to say goodbye to summer BBQing yet!

~ Tracy