With a long weekend coming our way and a peachy little four-day workweek set for the week after, life is feeling pretty good right now.

But what if it could always feel like this?  A constant buzz to work only four days of the week instead of the five we currently do. 

Well, apparently, the mystical 'shorter workweek' many of us have dreamed of has been trialed around the country recently.

One of the towns/companies that tried it out was the municipality of Guysborough, Nova Scotia, back in 2020 for 9 months, allowing the employees to take either Monday or Friday off every week.

Once it ended in April 2021, the town's council was very pleased with the project and thought they got more "bang for their buck" hourly-wise from their workers. 

It's now likely to become a permanent thing in their town! 

Countries like Iceland have played around with it too over the years and have had much success, so much success that 86% of Iceland's workforce either works shorter hours or has the right to reduce their hours if they want to! 

So, who knows, it could become a real thing in our, or some of our, near futures! 

What do you think? Is this something you would be open to trying? Do you think it could work here in Alberta? Would you take a Monday or Friday off? 

I just know this feeling that I have today, you know, the long weekend/short workweek feeling is a vibe I'd like to keep around! 😆

Let me know your thoughts in the Facebook comments or text us on our 'High River Toyota Textline' at 403-938-0652!

Happy August Long my friends!
