I know we should just be grateful for any candy we get from trick or treating but come on! 

We all have the few treats that we think are top tier, untouchable, the creme de la creme of Halloween candy....and then there are the treats that you pull out of the bag at the end of the night and think to yourself "is this a trick!?"

Well, today we get to the bottom of this...what is the best and worst when it comes to Halloween candy? 

Canada has apparently spoken...


1. Reese's Peanut Butter Cups


3. M&M's 

4. Starbursts 

5. Snickers

6. Mars 

7. Kit Kat 

8. Sour Patch Kids 

9. Coffee Crisp

10. Hershey's Kisses 



1. Candy Corn

2. Tootsie Roll

3. Double Bubble

4. Rockets 

5. Gingerbread Cookies 

6. Sugar Daddy 

7. Candy Buttons

8. Candy Sticks

9. Raisins 

Honourable Mention: Toothbrushes (Do people actually do this!? Dentists...please confirm?) 

Hmmm...you know I'm pretty okay with these lists...I definitely don't agree with Double Bubble being the 3rd worst though! Who doesn't love the gum that's flavour only lasts 30 seconds!? (I'm being serious....who doesn't love Double Bubble? lol)

I also would have loved to have seen anything Twix or cookies and creme on the best list but I won't complain.

What do you think? What's the best and worst candy in your opinion? Comment on Facebook or text me on the High River Toyota text line (403)-938-0652!

Happy Trick or Treating!

~ Shayne