Foothills County's Reeve is pleased with what she's seen so far with the province's new renewable energy regulations.

Delilah Miller says they'll have to wait for more details around pieces of it.

"I think it's a positive move forward and we're pleased with some of the new guidelines but we're going to have to wait until some of the details come out around the 32-kilometre buffer and the mapping that I've seen around that and of course the piece around Class One and Class Two soils, with the farming component, if the companies can show that so that has me a bit concerned still but we'll wait until we see more details from the province."

She's happy to see the Alberta government has addressed the issues around clean-up.

"That's a real positive move and myself and Foothills County have been pushing hard for that for a long time so we're really pleased that the province has seen their way to demand that surety bond will certainly give landowners and the County, and Alberta taxpayers I think, some comfort knowing we're not going down the same path as our Oil and Gas Orphan Well Association."

She says they just have to wait for the details to be released by the province and then the County will work on more bylaws around solar projects in the future.
