A town hall event is being held in High River to discuss Alberta's pension and the implications of leaving the Canada Pension Plan (CPP).

But it's not being held by the UCP.

Alberta's opposition NDP is organizing these in-person events across the province stretching into mid-February, with more dates and locations to come.

The event website makes reference to a "$7.5-million advertising campaign built entirely on make-believe numbers and assumptions to convince you that it's to their benefit to leave the Canada Pension Plan, one of the best investment funds in the world."

High River's event is scheduled for Feb. 1 at 6 p.m., and it's going to be at the High River Library.

Those planning to attend are asked to register online ahead of time.

It'll be hosted by Lethbridge-West MLA Shannon Phillips.

Alberta's provincial government did host similar events of their own in the form of five telephone town halls, which saw attendance from over 76,000 Albertans. Another 94,000 completed an online survey on the subject.

The province has since halted public consultations in anticipation of the Chief Actuary of Canada providing an estimate on how much Alberta would walk away with, should they leave the CPP.