Local youth have the opportunity to have their voices heard on Town committees.

The Town of Okotoks is looking for students 14- 18 years-old from each local high school to join the Culture, Parks, and Recreation Committee, Family and Community Support Services Committee, and the Public Safety and Security Committee.

Patty Huber, legislative services assistant for the Town, says it's great to have a youth perspective in these areas.

"It helps our council see things from a different perspective which is very valuable, we also like to keep abreast of what's happening at the local high schools and they're basically the voice for letting the rest of our town know what's happening at the high schools, what's become an issue or sort of what's been going on at their youth level."

Huber says joining a town committee hosts a number of benefits for students as well.

"It's a really valuable tool to understand how the greater town works, engages students and youth to be more proactive," she says. "A lot of youth find it very valuable to put this type of activity on their resume, it speaks quite highly if you've worked on a committee of council, a lot of times they can also use it towards their volunteer hours."

The term length for committee members is one year however students are able to reapply.

Culture, Parks, and Recreation meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month, Family and Community Support Services meets the first Wednesday of each month, and the Public Safety and Security Committee meets the fourth Monday of each month.

Meetings typically start at 6 or 7 p.m. and are about 1-2 hours long.

To apply before the May 23 deadline click here.

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