An update on the Water Conservation Program with the town shows there are still some issues with high consumption on peak days, however not as bad as last year, as of yet.

Dawn Smith, Sustainability Coordinator for the Town of Okotoks, says the program's intent is to address peak demand periods.

"The main intent was to address the peak demand periods we're having in extreme heat, and also exterior use is compounded on those days, like Sundays when everyone is doing laundry or other chores that use water," she said.

Smith says they are also having conservation educators go door to door advising irrigation users to set their systems to water between 2 and 5 a.m., as many of the systems are still being used during the standard hours.

"We need to get the message out there more, so the conservation educators are highly focused on going door to door to tell irrigation users to water at night, and it's actually better for the grass," she said.

Smith also says that there has been a misunderstanding regarding the town not having enough water supply, when in fact, shortages are related to pulling water from the river and cleaning it for use when demands exceed pumping capacities.

The town asks residents to follow the odd even watering days, and says watering flowers and gardens is acceptable anytime by way of watering containers and hoses with spring loaded triggers.

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