A look back and a look ahead for the High River RCMP at an open house last week.

Staff Sergeant Greg Wiebe says they wanted to bring residents up to date on all the happenings around town.

"The reason for doing the town hall meeting is to let the citizens of High River know what our priorities for policing over the past year, at least in particular for this town hall meeting, what our statistics are for the year and what our community projects were over the last year so that we could let people know what we've been up to. And then we also wanted to solicit from anyone that was attending whether they had any concerns or issues that they thought we should be addressing or we should be looking at from a policing perspective coming into the next year," said Staff Sgt. Wiebe.

He says it helps them develop priorities and to formalize the Annual Performance Plan which sets out their priorities and initiatives for the next fiscal year which runs from April this year to the end of March 2023.

Staff Sgt. Wiebe says he'd like to see an Emergency Services open house in the fall.

"We had planned to do one last time but but unfortunately COVID restrictions have hampered our ability to do that, so we're hoping maybe in September we'll get together with the other Emergency Services in town, Protective Services and Bylaw and our Fire Services and we'll probably try to do another town hall attached to that," he says.