I think we've all seen Foothills native Brettyn Rose perform at one point or another!

Whether that be joining her in the singing of the national anthem at a Dawgs or Hitmen games or watching her sing her heart out at a local venue.

She's everywhere and you can't help but love her!

Brettyn's been on the music scene for a while now but with the lull of Covid, we haven't seen much of her (or any artist) as much as we'd like ...BUT with restrictions lifting earlier this summer she's back and has lots on the go.

We caught up and talked, as well as mostly laughed, about everything from being back at the Dawgs games, working on new music in the studio this summer and even played a game of lightning round questions...check it out!


Don't have time to watch the video? Listen to our conversation through PodcastVille!
