The Okotoks Pro Rodeo is on the lookout for kids who want to get an early start on their rodeo careers.

Trevor Reidy says they're looking for Mutton Bustin' contestants.

"We would love to have some kids, we want to have 30 kids fill up, 10 a day and they are four years old to six years old and under 51 pounds, get 'em too heavy and then the sheep have trouble running," he says.

Reidy explains they take all the precautions they can to make sure it's a safe ride and a lot of fun.

"It's an introduction, in some cases, to animals, in other cases it's an introduction to rodeo because they've already had something to do with animals," he says. "The sheep are close to the ground, sometimes getting in a bucking chute can be a little intimidating but our guys that are in there, they've all got kids themselves and they're going to take good care of the little ones. Typically we have someone follow them from behind, pick 'em up, dust 'em off, give their prize and away we go."

They're also looking for teams for the wild pony race.

Tickets are still available for the Gator the Okotoks Pro Rodeo is giving away.

To register go to:

The rodeo goes August 27 to the 29 at the Millarville Ag Grounds.


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