Anyone else sick of missing these amazing displays of light dancing across our night sky? 

Yeah, me too! 

There's nothing worse than waking up to a Facebook feed full of awesome photos of the aurora borealis, and you're just in bed laying there like: 

Well, I know it's been a few days since the last phenomenon, but we've had some super clear skies lately and this IS the time of year to catch them so I've been doing some research on how to NEVER miss the northern lights, again. ( least by choice.) 

During my research, I stumbled across  Aurora Watch, a site/platform created by the University of Alberta that sends you notifications when there is aurora activity in Alberta. 

You literally click HERE, subscribe to what kind of alerts you would like to receive, and then BOOM, they email you when the chance of witnessing the dancing lights is extremely in your favour! 

Now, many of you have probably heard of this. There's like 95,000 plus subscribers, but I had never heard of it and I know I'm not alone in the department of "I missed the northern lights last night, and now I'm severely disappointed".

So hopefully this helps some of us out there! 

~ Shayne 


Aurora Borealis: What It Is and How to See More

[VIDEO] Northern Lights Grace the Foothills Skyline Again