Sometimes recycling your bottles and cans can be a pain in the butt. 😅

If you're anything like me they stack up for a year and end up taking hours to sort out and bring down to the depot.

Yes, the extra cash is nice once you finish up but how much nicer would it be if you could donate it back to an awesome local initiative?

Well, now you can! With KidSport's newest program they'll do it ALL for you with the bottle money going towards making sure every kid in Okotoks can cover their sports registration fees. 

I caught up with Glenn Osmak, volunteer with the KidSport Okotoks board, and he let me in on all the ins and outs of the new KidSport Recycling program, check it out:

So, all you do is text 403-680-8776, put your bottles out for pick up and that's it, KidSport does the rest!

Did you know to help a child learn how to skate it takes donating 75 cases of bottled water or 30 cases of pop, that's it.

So do what you can and register before the long weekend to help the program take off!

For more information click HERE. 
