Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Deena Hinshaw addressed the province again on Tuesday, providing an update on COVID-19 in Alberta.

After 2428 tests were conducted over the last 24 hours, 33 new cases were confirmed.

Active cases continue to decline in the province, with 1004 currently remaining.

No additional deaths were reported during the update.

Recoveries have risen to 5584.

Though the numbers are promising thus far, Dr. Hinshaw says we won't know if Calgary and Brooks are ready to fully reopen for another few days.

"The incubation period is up to 14 days, but the average incubation period is in that five to eight day range, so this week is going to be critical. We know the reopening happened on Thursday last week, so we'll be able to province a more accurate understanding of what the impact of that initial phase one opening has been by mid week."

For more information on COVID-19 in Alberta, click here.

To view the original conference, click here.


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