Christmas in July? Yes! It's for a Good Cause.

The Dewdney Players Group Theatre are putting together a calendar in correlation with an upcoming production and donating the proceeds to the Foothills Country Hospice. We caught up with them during the calendar photo shoot. They say that “all will be revealed” in a few weeks when this calendar will be available for sale. Then even more “revealing” will take place in October when they take to the stage. The cast hope to remain a mystery until the calendar launch. These six fun loving women are posing for the calendar and are part of a larger very talented cast that are working on the Fall production of Calendar Girls along with a brilliant Director and amazing crew.

You may be familiar with the movie of the same name that came out in 2003, based on a true story. Starring Helen Mirren and Julie Walters as the main two characters.

Here is a short synopsis:

After her best friend Annie's husband dies from cancer, spirited Yorkshire housewife Chris Harper comes up with a scheme to raise money for a memorial to him. As an annual calendar is traditionally done by the Woman's Institute anyway, Chris encourages Annie and their friends to create the calendar, but with the novel idea of using the middle-aged women of the WI as nude models with strategically placed props.

You may have already seen the posters around town, and you may want to keep watch out for these six women showing up around town with sunflowers, pearl necklaces, bare shoulders, large hats, and little black dresses, all signs that the show is gearing up for production.

The full stage play will be at the RPAC October 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 22, 23, 24

Mark your calendars, you don't want to miss this show.

For information on The Dewdney Players Group Theatre and how you could get involved go to

Photo courtesy of Sherene Schmidtler Print Sense photographer and Dewdney Players Director of Calendar Girls

~ Tracy