Wow! What a year it's been for Century 21 Foothills' campaign.

Last month the Foothills saw amazing events like the Foothills Country Hospice's Rally 4 Hospice as well as the JC Anderson Memorial Golf Tournament.

Blair Gordon, owner of Century 21 Foothills, says these events were so amazing that their original 12-month goal has already been met just nine months into the campaign.

"We had the fourth annual JC Anderson Memorial Golf Tournament that we sponsored. It was at the Sirocco Golf Course, and we raised $110,000 for Camp Horizon, so sending kids back to camp through Easter Seals... That was on the Thursday that week, and then Saturday was the rally with a total of $221,416. So you add those two numbers up, and we're over our million dollars, which was our goal for the year."

When asked how it feels to hit an impressive one-million-dollar goal with some of the biggest fundraising events still to come later this year, Gordon replied, "It's very rewarding to think about in these times of uncertainty that people band together and raise some awareness and dig deep into their pockets to help and support a lot of different charities and causes throughout the Foothills. It's very rewarding for us and our team of associates here... We're glad to be a part of that."

Though the goal has already been reached, there's no easing up for Blair and Bev Gordon and the Century 21 Foothills team with another fundraiser around the corner.

"Our big one this month is the High River District Health Care Foundation, the Cargill Big Screen Harvest Party. That's the big thing coming up this month... That will be good, even though it's October 2nd, that's our charity for September."

The event that supports the High River District Healthcare Foundation stars country artists Jess Moskaluke and Jade Eagleson with shows from local favorites like Craig Carswell as well.

Blair says the foundation is very important to him and his family.

"We've supported the healthcare foundation for many years and it's important for us, I think, because Bev worked at the nursing station when she was there. She also worked in the finance and administration office. And then Trish, our youngest daughter, is in charge of the pharmacy. She's the pharmacy manager there. So we have some roots there over the years, and it's just close and dear to our heart."

If you'd like to attend an amazing event and help Century 21 Foothills give back to the community through 12 Months of Giving check out the Harvest Party on October 2nd, tickets can be bought as of today, (Sept.10).

For more information about the event click HERE.