Public speaking isn't just a passing fear, it is the number one most common phobia that we deal with as a species, with death as a close second.

Suffice it to say that building confidence as a public speaker can be a huge hurdle for many, but for High River Toastmasters, it's all par for the course.

"It gives you the opportunity to speak off the cuff, and really gives you practice at putting your thoughts together and expressing them in a way where you do feel like you have presented yourself well.

President of Toastmasters in High River, Jocelyn Hastie, says you just need to take it one speech at a time.

"A ten speech Program. Each of the speeches emphasize something different. The proposed outcome is that you are a better speaker by the end of it, and also that your confidence improves."

This week, the guest speaker is Cowboy Poet, Shelley Goldbeck, and every meeting offers participants an opportunity for impromptu public speaking.

The Toastmasters meet Monday evening at 6:30 at the High River Library.

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