Black Diamond in 2016 was a small town that saw plenty of changes.

The town held a By-Election in August where Mayor Glen Fagan beat out Les Miller by 144 votes. That same By-Election saw Councillor Brian Marconi elected as well.

With all of that on-going excitement Sharlene Brown, the Chief Administrative Officer with the Town of Black Diamond they also completed two major town projects.

"We pretty much completed all of our flood reclamation work that we had to do." Brown says "That includes the Bob Lougheed Memorial Campground, which was able to fully open all of their sites this year. I think that's a really important step for our community."

Brown says the town also opened up the Sheep River Regional Utility Corporations and that will be the new supplier of wholesale water for the Towns of Black Diamond and Turner Valley.

After a busy 2016 Brown says that council town planners plan on hitting the ground running.

"Well in 2017 I think it's business as usual. We're going to be focusing a lot on our infrastructure upgrades that we need to be doing. Of course in October there will be another election, so we'll see what that brings to us as well."

Sharlene Brown has been working with the Community for the past 20 years and has seen a lot of change, but it's been for the better.

"Over the last 20 years that I've been involved in the community, at various different levels - I've seen a real change in our community and hopefully we can work on some projects that are only going to make us stronger and bigger."

Black Diamond is going to celebrate Canada's 150th birthday in 2017 as well. Festivities will include a music festival and other celebrations where they will show off how vibrant of a community the town has become.

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