An Okotoks resident is raising concerns over a proposed cell tower.

Stacey Lutes, a Crystal Green resident, says Freedom Mobile has proposed a 40 meter monopole telecommunications tower to be built less than 300 meters away from her home.

Lutes says she has a few concerns about the proposal, including her property value.

"I just bought a home in this neighbourhood which I thought was a well established, finished neighbourhood just five months ago," she explains. "I have some concerns about my property value."

Lutes shares she's also concerned about radio frequency radiation.

"Lots of people use the argument that cell phones are worse, and certainly they may be they may emit more frequency radiation that people are concerned about. The difference is an informed choice, I do not have a choice if they put a tower outside my daughter's bedroom and she's going to bathe in low frequency radiation 24 hours a day."'

She points out the tower will also be built near the Holy Trinity Academy, and new K-9 Community Campus School, adding the Town and school are not required to contact parents about the proposal.

Residents with concerns over the cell tower can sign a petition from a group at Pencross Condos to be presented to Freedom Mobile at an open house on March 14 at Crystal Ridge Golf Club.

Lutes encourages individuals to voice concerns to the golf course, contact the Town, MP John Barlow and Freedom Mobile as well.

She stresses she is not against technology, but wants to move forward with it as safely as possible.

"All I'm saying is I have enough doubt that I'm asking for my town, my country, government, and industry to err on the side of caution. We are surrounded by a lot of rural area and there's absolutely no reason we need to be putting this in a school's backyard, in a church's backyard where there are playgrounds, by two condo buildings, where there are family homes."

The proposed location for the tower is 9 Crystal Green Lane, on the Crystal Ridge Golf Club's property.

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