Grade 7 science students from Westmount School and Heritage Heights School took on the role of mini-engineers and architects Monday.

Students travelled to an empty lot near West 32nd St., which will soon be home to a new K-9 school, and who better to help design it than students?

They have been creating their own design plan for the school, incorporating principles from units on Heat and Temperature, and Structure and Forces.

Student spokesperson Shae Kemkaran-Humble says students have planned just about everything for the new school.

"We're just making and designing different rooms," she says. "Like common areas, art rooms, and the gym."

She says visiting the site, and planning the structure has been a good opportunity for learning.

"It's a lot more fun than just looking in textbooks, and searching it up on the Internet, it's hands-on learning for us."

Kemkaran-Humble says her favourite part of the process was going to the location for the school.

"Actually seeing the Westmount people, and going out to the site, because it all just makes it all so real. It's what we've all been waiting for, its not just sitting in a classroom planning for nothing."

While at the site students went to three stations to learn more about wetlands, topography, and infrastructure, and how it all relates back to the new school.

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