One of the biggest fights farmers have on their hands in these days of environmental activism, is becoming and staying sustainable.

Dan Aberhart, President of Aberhart Ag Solutions for Bio-Cycle was a keynote speaker at the just wrapped up Farm Forum Event in Calgary, says they have a product that helps with organic sustainability

He basically takes food waste from grocery stores, add's elemental sulphur, from oil and gas production, and creates farm fertilizer.

"The cool part is I don't think it's really been done on a scale like this before. So we are taking grocery waste from the back end of grocery stores in Calgary. Reconstituting that into a compost. The finished compost is then blended with elemental sulphur and that becomes a macro-nutrient sulphur fertilizer."

Aberhart says the sulphur is a by-product that would otherwise go to waste, but when combined with the organic food waste becomes a totally organic, high nitrogen fertilizer that is completely sustainable.

He adds every producer should have a "sustainability story."

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