Two unrelated reports of children falling out of second story windows on Saturday have provoked an urgent reminder from Emergency Medical Services.

The two children were between the ages of 1-5 and both were transported from homes in the Calgary area to the Alberta Children's Hospital in stable non-life threatening condition.

Adam Loria Public Education Officer with EMS says there are steps you can take to prevent this danger in your home.

"With two recent incidents of children falling from windows, and warmer weather in the forecast, Emergency Medical Services (EMS) paramedics would like to remind parents and caregivers of a few safety tips:"

  • Prevent access to windows by moving furniture such as cribs, beds, stools, and change tables out from under them;
  • Install safety devices which limit the distance in which a window be can open to a maximum of 10cm (4 inches);
  • Direct supervision is the single most effective way to prevent falls from windows and balconies;
  • Consider purchasing a portable air conditioner, which will enable windows in the residence to stay closed and secure;
  • Remember, screens are not safety devices – they are designed to keep bugs out, not children in.

Loria says both children suffered various soft tissue injuries, but both are okay.

More safety information can be found on EMS's Facebook or Twitter pages.

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