The Towns of Black Diamond and Turner Valley will be working together when it comes to growth.

At Wednesday's council meeting Black Diamond approved the creation of a group consisting of consultants representing both towns looking on areas and how they can grow as one.

Mayor Sharlene Brown says the group is a great way to find out each community's growing potentials.

"Looking on areas where we can jointly grow together, how do we grow without any boundaries, so if we took the town boundaries away, what would our growth look like?"

She says the group will help determine what areas are great for growth depending on the potential industry coming in or the best place for both communities could start making more residential lots.

"If we had a commercial base land use, where would that be? If we were looking for higher density residential areas where would that go?" she says. "That's what we're looking for the growth strategy, what we're doing is trying to be smart about the way that we can grow so we can meet the density requirements that are put in place for us with the regional partnership."

Brown says the growth strategy group is just the first step of many to find out what both Turner Valley's and Black Diamond's growth potential are.

"We're looking at what will our actual communities look like in in 25-50, or 60 years into the future so currently it's just a working technical group that's been established but it evolves into much more."

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