Foothills S.N.A.P.S (Special Needs Association for Parents and Siblings) and the Town of Black Diamond, are planning a more inclusive future for their residents with disabilities.

After a meeting with Black Diamond Town Council on March 28th, Foothills S.N.A.P.S has invited Black Diamond to be part of their 'Catch the Rural Wave Initiative.'

Sharlene Brown, Chief Administrative Officer in Black Diamond, says Catch the Rural Wave is focused on three components.

"S.N.A.P.S brought forward their whole plan on 'Catch the Rural Wave,' which basically contains three main elements; Assisting Pan-Disabled individuals to build employment skills, to find and maintain employment, and assist and educate businesses and organizations to enhance their inclusion practices."

Since S.N.A.P.S does so much throughout the Foothills, Brown says their assistance and expertise was a no-brainer for Councillors.

"They work with so many people throughout the Foothills Region, so at the end of the day council made it a motion, to become a more inclusive community."

This motion will open doors in Black Diamond for those who face hardships, not only in terms of employment, but also supporting the parents and siblings of those with disabilities.

Brown says more educational programs could soon be coming up for the town.

"This motion will give S.N.A.P.S an opportunity to work with the town more closely, to be able to promote employment programs here." Brown adds "They could also be talking to the Diamond Valley Chamber, about how you can make your community more inclusive for people with disabilities to be hired."

Black Diamond Town Councillors were quite impressed that the presentation from S.N.A.P.S encompassed the five pillars of the Town's strategic and sustainability plan.

S.N.A.P.S plans to focus on the social and economic development pillars in an effort to help the community succeed together in the future.

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