Bill 6 isn't the only piece of legislation being introduced by Alberta's NDP Government to be raising eyebrows these days.

Bill 8 is generating some interest as well.

That's the Public Education Collective Bargaining Act.

Local Teacher and Highwood's Alberta Party Candidate Joel Windsor says teachers don't mind Bill 8, as it's as close to what they wanted as they could possibly get.

"The challenge though is many school boards will feel completely cut out of the loop, especially on this next round of negotiations, when precedence is going to be set. And that's dangerous territory, when you let something else dictate how your going to work with your employees, for basically the rest of your negotiations from here on going forward."

Windsor says one of the big problems for local boards when it comes to making decisions is they won't always get to determine what does or doesn't constitute a local issue when it comes to bargaining.

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